Inflate SlidingDrawer from XML

Inflate SlidingDrawer from XML

To inflate SlidingDrawer from XML, create our SlidingDrawer, /res/layout/horizontalslidingdrawer.xml. <?xml version="1.0" en...
Implement Search interface

Implement Search interface

In this exercise, we will implement search interface on our activity, without actual searching function. When user press the Search button, ...
Count Down Timer

Count Down Timer

Android provide a android.os.CountDownTimer. By new a CountDownTimer object, and overriding the call-back function onTick() and onFinish(), ...
Show as Action Item with icon

Show as Action Item with icon

Modify from last article " Add and respond Action Items on Action Bar ", we can display individual item seperately on with icon, i...
Obtaining user location

Obtaining user location

To obtain user location, retrieve LocationManager by calling getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE). By the LocationManager, you can reg...
Map the touch position with a mask

Map the touch position with a mask

In previous exercise, I show how to: - Detect touched position on a ImageView - Get color on a specified location from ImageView's bac...
Play audio using MediaPlayer

Play audio using MediaPlayer

To play audio in Android, we can use MediaPlayer. Base on the audio file from last exercise " Start audio recording with intent of Medi...
Scan Bluetooth Devices

Scan Bluetooth Devices

To start scan bluetooth device, simple call bluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery(). In order to receive the list of found bluetooth devices, we...